Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh
7 tháng trước
Ngày nay, trong thời buổi kinh tế hội nhập phát triển mạnh mẽ, nhu cầu thuê và cho thuê văn phòng tăng cao kéo theo việc những mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh được sử dụng rộng rãi. Vì vậy, sau đây INMERGERS sẽ chia sẻ chi tiết về việc sử dụng hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng như thế nào? Khi nào cần sử dụng mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh? Và các mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh mới nhất hiện nay.
1.Khi nào cần dùng mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh?
Hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng được sử dụng tại các công ty, doanh nghiệp, tổ chức kinh doanh ở Việt Nam hiện nay chủ yếu sử dụng song ngữ là ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt và ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh – ngôn ngữ toàn cầu nhằm đảm bảo cho các bên tham gia hợp đồng hiểu và nắm rõ nội dung những điều khoản thống nhất, thỏa thuận khi ký hợp đồng. Thế nên, mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh phù hợp với những công ty trong nước và doanh nghiệp nước ngoài muốn thuê văn phòng để làm việc.

Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh được sử dụng cho các giao dịch quốc tế
Mẫu hợp đồng có hai ngôn ngữ (Tiếng Anh và Tiếng Việt), tương ứng, qua đó, dù người tham gia hợp đồng là người Việt Nam hay người nước ngoài đều có thể hiểu hết được toàn bộ nội dung của hợp đồng để đưa ra được những thỏa thuận nhằm bảo vệ được quyền lợi cho mình trong quá trình tham gia hợp đồng. Trong bài viết lần này, INMERGERS sẽ tập trung vào việc cung cấp mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh.
2.Những nội dung chuẩn cần có trong một mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh.
- Quốc hiệu và tiêu ngữ;
- Tên hợp đồng, số hợp đồng;
- Các căn cứ để thực hiện ký hợp đồng: căn cứ luật thương mại, luật dân sự, nhu cầu và năng lực các bên;
- Thông tin của các bên: Tên công ty, địa chỉ, mã số thuế, điện thoại, người đại diện, chức vụ, tài khoản ngân hàng;
- Nội dung các điều khoản của hợp đồng: Chi tiết sản phẩm, hàng hóa ký hợp đồng mua bán, giá trị hợp đồng, thanh toán, giao hàng, thời gian giao hàng, thỏa thuận nhận hàng và trả hàng, trách nhiệm của các bên, chấm dứt và vi phạm hợp đồng, giải quyết tranh chấp, sự kiện bất khả kháng, điều khoản chung…;
- Đại diện hai bên ký tên và đóng dấu.

Những thông tin cần có trong mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh
3.Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh
No. :…………………..
Today is………………………., we consist of
Rep.: …………………………………….- Position: …………………..
Business license No. …………………. Dated , issued by Danang Department of Planning & Investment
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Tell: ………………………………….....- Fax: ………………………………….
E-mail : ……………………………………………………………………………….
Tax code: …………………………………………………………………………..
As the legal possessor of the building for lease
Rep.: ……………………………………- Position: …………………...
Business license No.: …………………………………………………………….
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………
Tell: ……………………………………- Fax: …..................................................
E-mail : ……………………………………………………………………………....
Tax code: ………………………………………………………………………….
Both Party A and Party B – under the witness of the broker – have mutually agreed to enter into this office lease contract with the following terms and condition:
Party A has the following space leased by Party B
Place and area: 40 sqm (forty square meters) on the fifth floor at the building addressed at NO 173 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau I Ward, Hai Chau Dist, Danang City):…………………………………………………….
Purpose of use: For doing office
The office, electricity & water supply systems, etc. will be handed over to Party B in good/proper working conditions which has been checked and agreed by Party B
Duration of the office lease: ..years, commencing on … and ending on…: …………………………………….
Extension term : After the lease terminates, Party B will be given priority to extend or to sign a new contract, but Party B has to inform the matter in writing to Party A in advance at least 02 (two) month prior to the termination.
Office rental fee: …………………………………
The about rental fee includes VAT 10% and all kinds of related tax that may arise under this contract; and excludes costs of electricity, telephone, fax, sanitation services inside the office and other services in the course of using those equipment/services by Party B.
The about rental fee is fixed for the duration of the lease mentioned in Article 2.1
Extra costs:
Cost for using running electricity: To be covered by Party B according to the price used for business purpose stipulated by Local Electricity Agency and according to the monthly actual consumption (having the separate electricity computer)
In case of using fuel to run electricity generator due to electricity cut-off. Party B must pay fuel charges equivalent to Party B's rate of electricity consumption in 01 month compared with total electricity consumption in the same month of the building No...............
- Currency for calculation: USD (United States Dollars)
- Payment currency: By VND (Vietnam Dong) according to the selling exchange rate of USD/VND of Vietcombank Danang at the time of payment)
- Payment time:.................................
- Amount of security deposit: Within 05 (five) working days after signing this present contract, Party B must transfer in advance to Party A an amount of security deposit equivalent to the rental fee of 02 (two months as .......................................................)
Such amount of security deposit after deducting costs of using electricity, telephone, etc. will be refunded to Party B within 05 (five)working days after the proper termination of this present contract as long as Party B has fulfilled the liabilities stated hereby)
- Rental fee: Party B will pay to Party A the rental fee for each duration of 03 (three) months equivalent to .....................................................................................................
+ For the first duration: Within 05 (five) working days after signing this present contract, Party B must pay to Party A.............................................................................................
+ For the next durations: Within the first 05 [five] working days of each duration of 03 (three) months, Party B must pay to Party A .................................................................
In case such payment is made later than the stipulated date, Party B has to Party A an additional charge of 0,1% [ zero point one] per one day of such delayed payment. If such payment delay time passes over 30 [thirty] days, Party A has the right to terminate unilaterally this present contract).
- Charge for using running electricity: Party B will pay to Party A the charge for using running electricity per month within 05 [five] working days of next consecutive month
- Payment method: Either by cash or by cheque to the following details:
- Beneficiary:……………………………………………………
- VND Acc. No.:…………………………………………………..
- Charge for bank transfer will be born Party B
- Assuring and committing that the above-mentioned building belongs to Party A, and Party A has the right to lease/rent it out; that this building is not in the state of dispute.
- Handing over to Party B the rented area and all of its equipments, facilities of the technical infrastructure as stipulated in the Article 1, on the validity date of the contract.
- Ensuring Party B the right to use legally, fully ad separately the said rented area.
- Timely repairing any damages of the building structure caused by its longevity or by natural disasters and bearing all expenses for these repairs.
- Compensating Party B for all damages of materials and health caused by the delay of repair in case the collapse of the building happens.
- Guiding Party B in implementing fully and strictly all legal regulations stipulated by the Government of the S.R of Vietnam.
- Paying timely and fully the amount of security deposit, the rental fee and other costs/fees.
- Using the said rented area in compliance with the above registered and authorized purpose.
- If Party B needs to repair or to renovate the rented area by its use requirements, Party B must get Party A's agreement in writing and must comply with the regulations on construction. All expenses of repairing/renovating will be born by Party B. When this present contract terminates or when Party B transfers the rented area to Party A, the rented office must be kept as per the current status upon delivery and Party B shall not claim for any/all compensation for such new repair/renovation.
- Compensating for any/all damages to the rented place and/or any/all losses of facilities and equipments and furnitures as well as bad consequences caused to the others by Party B's use.
- Timely informing Party A of all/any damages to the rented area caused by its longevity or by natural disasters).
- Strictly obeying all laws and regulations promulgated by the State of S.R VIETNAM.
- Abiding all regulations and rules on the environmental hygiene. public order and security, fire fighting and prevention, etc.
- Taking full responsibilities for the activities of itself to the current Vietnamese Laws.
- Not sub-leasing or transferring partly or wholly the rented area to another person/company/entity.
- Paying up all expenses of electricity, telephone, fax and other charges, if any, before making the contract liquidation.
- Taking responsibilities for any/all maintenance[s] and loss[es] of facilities, furniture inside the office, his personal properties.
ll' it is needed to do the maintenance/repair works on the building, PARTY A must inform PARTY B in writing in advance and PARTY B must create favorable conditions to enable PARTY A to carry out such works. If PARTY B unreasonably hinders such works thus endangering the safety of the building, then PARTY B must bear the reasonable costs arising from the consequences.
This present contract evidently terminates under the following cases
- On the expiration of this present contract. In case of Force Majeure: Act of God, flood, storm, war, fire, etc.
- By replanning according to the Master plan of Danang City.
- Party B cannot continue its business operation in Danang City under the command of competent authorities
In these cases (1, 2, 3), Party A will reimburse to Party B the amount of security amount:
- Delay of payment stipulated in the Article 4
In this case (5), Party A will not reimburse to Party B the amount of security amount
- Contract termination prior to its expiration under both party's agreement
This contract shall not be unilateraly terminated prior to its expiration by either party. Should either party want to terminate this contract prior to its expiration, he must inform in writing to the other party at least 02 (two) months and the duration of the lease should be at least 2/3 (equivalent to 08 months). In this case, Party A shall refund Party B the amount of security deposit and the remaining amount of the rental fee, if any
Should Party B terminate this present contract prior to its expiration without complying with the above stipulations, Party B will lose the amount of security deposit
Should Party A terminate this present contract prior to its expiration without complying with the above stipulations, Party A will refund Party B the amount of security deposit, the remaining amount of the rental fee, if any, and must pay to Party B amount equivalent to the amount of security deposit as compensation
Both parties undertake to perform strictly and fully the articles and conditions stipulated in this present contract. Any/all smendment, cancellation or addition of one or more terms, conditions of this present contract must be agreed by both parties in writing ad must be made into relevant annex
On the issuance of any legislation by a competent authority concerning office leasing, this present contract will be adjusted in accordance with Vietnamese laws and regulations
Any disputes arising in reaction to this present contract or the breach of this present contract shall be settled firstly be negotiation under goodwill, cooperativeness. Should the negotiation fail, the matter shall be submitted to the competent court in Danang City for settlement. And the Court's decision will be considered as final and binding on all concerning parties to execute. The Court charges and other expenses, if any, must be born by the losing party, unless otherwise agreed
This present contract has its legal validity from the signing date until ......................
This present contract is made into 04 (four) copies in Vietnamese and English languages of the equal validity. Each party will keep 02 (two) copies.
Kết luận
Trong thời đại kinh tế số, những thương vụ mua bán sáp nhập doanh nghiệp không chỉ tạo ra một môi trường kinh tế, xã hội và văn hóa mới, mà còn cho phép các doanh nghiệp phát triển nhanh hơn. Với việc cung cấp các thông tin trong mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê văn phòng tiếng anh, INMERGERS đã giúp bạn đọc phần nào hiểu được tác dụng và nguyên tác của bản hợp đồng này.
Tham gia ngay nền tảng INMERGERS.com để kết nối với các SMEs, hỗ trợ nhau phát triển kinh doanh và gia nhập chuỗi cung ứng toàn cầu!